Thursday 30 April 2009

Fikar's Birthday Party!

Blue 10 clelebrated Fikar's Birthday by having lots of fun. Fikar brought us pizza. We played Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Mouse and had a race!

I can't wait for the next one!

Thursday 16 April 2009

Pre 4 Stories

Here are some stories written by students in Pre-Intermediate 4.

The Search for the Ultimate Weapon
by Davin and Irvan

A long time ago, there were 2 clans, named Zero clan and Wylfred clan. The both clans were rivals. They were always equal at everything. At fighting and studies. Because they heard about the Ultimate Weapon, their clan’s leader, Zero and Wyl searched it. Zero was a swordsman and Wyl was a mage.
They searched and searched and searched around the world for about 2 years and at last the found it in a shrine in China deep inside a dark cave that was full of monsters…… The shrine has many booby traps, so people can’t just walk in and take the Ultimate Weapon. At the deepest part, of the shrine, Zero and Wyl met each other and fought to the death. Wyl used magic to attack for a distance and Zero was at a disadvantage. But Zero can deflect the magic back and at last Wyl was dying and Zero finished him off with a stabbing attack to Wyl’s heart and Wyl died. And Zero took the Ultimate Weapon, but before taking it back to his clan, a very strong monster appeared. He fought and nearly lost, but suddenly Zero knew the very strong monster’s weakness is on the crystal on its tail. He struck it and won. Then he brought the Ultimate Weapon back to his clan and almost defeated Wyl’s clan. Zero told that Wyl was dead and the 2 clans united to become a great country.

The End

by Joscelind, Nathalia and Eugenia

“Stefanie, hurry up! Mom and Dad already wait us!” Stefano shouted to his twin sister. That day, Anggono family was moving to a small town, Giarucci. Actually, Stefanie didn’t want to leave her old house, especially her best friend in this town. So, she felt sad when her parents said they will move to Giarucci.
“Mom, Dad, can I go to Emily house now? Before we move to that little ugly town?” Stefanie begged to her parents.
“NOW??? Are you kidding? We must moving now, Stefanie! As quick as we can!”
“But, Dad…”
“No more comment Stefanie. We didn’t have much time,”
On the way to Giarucci, Stefanie cried. Stefano laughed loudly,
“Come on, Stef… We just moving to other town. Can you stop crying now?”
“It’s not your business and don’t tell me to stop crying or you will got my punch,”
Two hours later, they arrived to their new house in Giarucci. The house is quite big, with a small pool inside, and it’s bigger than their old house,
“Check it out, Stef! This house is perfect! We can swim everytime we want! Yuhu..”
“Stop it, Stefano. I still like our old house than this house.”
“What ever!” The next day, her mom and dad take them to Giarucci High School

The Evil monster Tuxan And the Great Dora
by Vincent, Nanda and Jefferson

Yesterday, jenifer went to her great grandmother. Her mother told her to sent some meatball to her great grandmother.Her great grandmother name is Nia. Then she went to her grandmother house with her monkey,Irvan. Her grand mother’s house is in the middle of the West Papua Forest. When she was walking to her grandmother house, Tuxan the bad Wolf saw her and wanted to grill her with some onions and chicken sauce.Then in the middle of jenifer adventure to her grand mother she saw some bushes . She knew her grandmother loves bushes for her wig. So she picked up some bush and put them in her backpack. Then she Looked her map. Then when she looked at her map , Tuxan the bad wolf tried to caught her. Tuxan success to catched jenifer. Then tuxan prepared his griller,and cut some onions. When tuxan was going out for having a bath, Jennifer cried for some help. Then a fairy came to help dora. The fairy said “ Can I help you?”After that Jenifer said “ Yes,please. Can you help me to get out from here?” The fairy said “Sure. That’s an easy job for me”. Then jenifer said “Quickly get me out from here! Shut u’r mouth and get me out from here” The fairy said “Ok, calm down” Then jenifer ran out from Tuxan’s house and went to her grandmother’s house safely without problem. Then she went home and saw Dora the Explorer”

by Candys and Celina

Once upon a time, in a school called Beverly Hills junior high school. There was a beautiful girl named Painem. There were many boys liked her. The boys that liked her most were Kevin, Bedjo, and her secret admire. The problem was there was a love triangle between them.

One day, Painem was shock because she found a love letter under her table, from her secret admire. She was very happy and proud of her self. But, she thought that, that thing were usual. Because, she was the princess at her school. Even sometimes, there were many boys that tried to take her heart by giving a bucket of flowers, Chocolate, or even jewelry. But, her heart was only for her prince charming forever.

In one day, she could reject five until ten boys that wanted to become her boyfriend. But, she always rejects them with nice words. So, they would not broken heart and be depressed. But, sometimes, she was sad because when she reject the boys, their relationship became strange. For example, before her relationship with Gatot, before that thing, they were best friend. But after that, they became enemy. Gatot was depressed he felt that he was so handsome, nobody can beat him.

Three days after Painem rejected Gatot, Gatot phoned Painem and told her that he wanted to end his life if she didn’t want to accept him. But, Painem didn’t believe Gatot. Because, they were best friends since they were child. So, Painem said, “Gatot, I think I’m not the right girl for you. You’ll find a girl that better than me. Believe me!”. But, Gatot said, “Okay, I’ll try to forget you and find the right girl for me.”
On Monday, In Painem’s school, Kevin and Bedjo fought to get Painem’s heart. When Painem arrived, she was angry to them. Then, Painem shouted that she loved Paijo and wanted Paijo to become her boyfriend. Paijo heard it and he was very happy. He didn’t believe it. Then, Kevin shouted, ”Paijo, was a lucky man because he got Painem, my beloved princess. Paijo was just an ugly duckling, but, looked at me, I’m a prince charming that had the same level with Painem!” Painem said, “You were wrong, love never looked from our physics, but, from our heart and habits.” So, Paijo said, “LOVE IS BLIND!”

by Jenni and Nathania

One day at Kelt, there was a new teacher called Xeniaman. Her fashion was very horrible. She always wore big size t-shirt, ¾ shorts, big earings, thick lipstick and face powder, pink stocking, sandals, and baseball hat. She was a trouble maker in a fashion world. Nobody likes her fashion. Every students scared with her.
At Kelt Party, she was wearing flower pattern dress, with green stocking, and gladiator sandals. Jenia, a fashionable student and, of course, dilligent student at Kelt, shocked and screamed. Because Jenia never saw a horrible fashion like that. Xeniaman heard Jenia's screamed, she was very angry. Everybody were laughing at her. She cried and went home as soon as possible.
At home, she cried all night. in the morning, she was thingking to be a fashionable teacher. She tried to wear pink tank-top, black hot-pants, 10cm high heels, round big earing, full of make up, and she ready to go to Kelt. In the evening, she came to Kelt building. Everybody were looking at her. They shocked and they opened their mouth. Mr. Peter, the Kelt headmaster, agry to Xeniaman. Mr. Peter told to her to change her clothes. When everybody were laughing at her, she ran to home to change her idiot clothes. When she came back to Kelt she met Jenia, the superhero of fashion. She interested about Jenia's fashion. She was asking Jenia to help her. Jenia accepted her offer. Jenia changed her horrible fashion. First, Jenia cut her hair.