Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Upper 2 - News Stories
Exploded Plane
by Teresa and Ivy
Friday, 29th of January 2010, the famous plane – Pacific Airlines exploded and disappeared from the radar. 30 people were lost, 15 of them were found dead, 7 of them saved. It took three days to find the passengers. The crews died and the pilot safe. Hijacker named Noordin M. Top threatened the passengers and wanted to take their money. They managed to escape from the doors in the middle, but they couldn’t. This happens because Noordin wanted to suicide. So, he bombed the plane. And no one could get out from the plane. Tina, one of the passengers said she already persuaded him with her money but it didn’t works. Luckily, Tina and her children were saved. Searching is still continuing until now. Many of the families miss their children. We can only hope and pray that the police can find them.
The Act of Terrorism at Kelt
2 weeks ago, Kelt was terrorized by a terrorist who called Osaka bin Laden, the leader of Ultracap he threaten kelt to give them some money but kelt refused to give him the money.
So, he planted C5 all over the Kelt but he didn’t detonate it. He ordered his men to arrest the Kelt teachers until they gave him the money. The students were happy with the terrorism because they don’t have to go to Kelt. Kelt’s owner still wouldn’t give him the money so he wouldn’t free them. But the teachers weren’t treated badly even really good treatment like free food and toilet access.
Osaka gave 2 weeks to pay before he finally detonates the C5. Osaka finally persuaded Kelt to give him the money but kelt have already called ATF to come and arrest the Ultracap terrorist.
So Kelt was finally free from terrorism, but the students were very sad to hear that.
By Jeffry and Aldi
Red 9 - Film and TV Reviews
SpongeBob is a comedy movie. The main character is Spongebob, who is a sponge .His friends are Squid ward, Patrick, Sandy, and his pet Gary. SpongeBob work in crusty crab and meet Mr. Crab who is the boss of crusty crab. And SpongeBob start his work in crusty crab as the cook. I also like SpongeBob because he is funny and the film is interesting.
By: Louis and Peter
The type of the movie is cartoon and science .The characters are Sam Sparks, Flint, Steve, Baby Brent, Police man. They live in a small town below the Aof ATLANTIS. What happened is Flint discovered a machine. The machine went crazy and Flint has to stop it.
I like it because it is funny &weird.
By Tamara and Karina
The type of the movie is adventure. The main character is Nemo, who is a child that catch by human. And his father. It happened in the sea. In the movie Nemo was angry to his father. When Nemo was angry to his father, Nemo catch by human. His father find him but his son is gone. And then Nemo’s father met Dori. They met the shark.
By Renata and Melina
Monday, 1 February 2010
Red 11 Travels the World
When I traveled around the world, I will re-tell my story. I like to go to Europe, I go to many countries, one of them is France. In France I go visited the Eiffel Tower. I stayed in France for 5 days. I also visited the Major Rivers, Seine, Rhine, Rhoneand also Major Mountain Ranges, Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central.
France the LARGEST country in Western Europe, long been a gateway between the continents, Northetrn and Southern regions.It’s lengthy borders touch Germany and Belgium in the north ; the atlantic ocean in the west ; the Pyrenees mountains and spain in the in the south.
Then I go to Italy, I went to the sport stadium to saw soccer match, it’s so FUN !!!
I also go to the Rome, in Rome I went to the Collosseum I saw many brave person who is so brave to join the ox match. As one of the tourists I went through the canals of Venice.
Italy is a boot-shaped, Peninsula that just out of Europe into the Adriactic sea. Tyrrhenian sea. Mediterranean sea, and others waters in it’s location has played an important role in it’s history.
It’s a wonderful days in Europe, I LOV’IN IT !!!
We visited Asia. We visited a lot of good places. When we went to China we saw Great Wall and Forbidden City. They’re very beautiful. When we went to India we saw Taj Mahal which take 20 years to build and it’s very luxury. When we went to Japan, we saw Tokyo Power. We went to Osaka, we saw a very big mountain, Mount Fuji. When we went to Turkey, we went to The Library of Celcus in Ephesus. It’s very- very big. Then we went to Israel, there we went to the Dead Sea it’s very beautiful and deep. Then we went to Afghanistan. There we went to the Blue Mosque. It’s very big and beautiful. That’s all my holiday. I’m very sad because we have to go home.The End
Red 9 - Scary Stories
Two thousand years ago,there was an adventurer his name is Billy.He wanted to went the grave yard.He saw a woman when he was close to the woman his guess was wrong it was a vampire.The vampire is looked like a woman It had a long hair,three eyes ,and it body is bleding. It wanted to killed Billy.Then Billy was ran away.The vampire followed Billy.But,Billy fell down and the vampire catched him and his legs were broke.Billy screamed loudly but Billy was killed.
One day,my family was in my house . On the night , we all watching tv, and then we went to slept. I looked in my window there was a zombie ! I run to my parents room and told them there was a zombie in my window . We ran to my room , and the zombie gets many . And we all scared , we wanted to went out side the house . But the zombie locked my door house . We ran to the garage but , the garage also locked . Then the zombie broke my window and went in my house . A… A…..! The zombie ate we all .
By: Renata & Melina
One rainy night, at a cemetery, there was a family .They went there because one of their cousin died because an accident. Then suddenly, the gate locked by itself .They saw something rise .When they checked, it was a zombie. The zombie saw them .They ran & ran. The zombie chased them. Then finally they caught them. And they were eaten.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
A Pet shop owner’s day
8.20 AM
I begin the day as usual and check my e-mail , there is a request from Mr. Chatot my old client, he request for pets. I’m unsure what pet he want, so I call him. After I called him, he requested for 10 high quality parrots to be resell.
10.00 AM
I take care the animal in my shop first before doing his request. After finish I call my Supplier office and ask if they have the parrots. They said they have the parrot but I must wait for 3 days.
14.30 AM
I started to go to my pet shop branches to check the situation there. Every branches seems to succeeded selling the pets and gain much profit than I expected. On the way I call mr. Chatot that the parrots will arrive in 3 days and he agreed. That’s all of it.
The Day of a Fortune Teller
Everyday, I wake up at 7 in the morning. I wear weird clothes everyday (dress). Then, I open my shop at 9 o’clock. I bring my crystal ball everyday to my shop. It’s very important to me. People will come to my shop to know about what will happen next or their future will be. Sometimes, they ask me about their family, luckiness, love, money, and career. I also do horoscopes for a magazine each month and they will pay me. I always interact with outside world and communicate with spirits and ghost. Sometimes, some people will ask me to chase away ghosts. But, I decline. I told them to go to my closest friend who can actually chase away ghosts and spirits. I also need rest. So, I close my shop at 10 p.m.
Created by: Teresa and IvyUpper-2
Monday, 23 November 2009
Stories - Blue 5
At home he always get in trouble with parents. He must stay in his room for one week and he must do his homework and study for his formal assessment. In the morning, he was angry to Buddy and want to fight with Buddy .
Erich, Oliver and Edward
Once upon a time ,there was 2 girls that went to the cinema.There names were Lisa and Cindy. They want to watched a movie that called Star Terk.When they watched the movie somebody take Lisa wallet.Lisa ask Cindy to help her caught the crime. They tried,but they couldn't.And then,Lisa called the police to help her to find the crime. '''hello is this the police station,I need your help to catch the crime."Lisa said.A few minuets later, Cindy 's wallet was stolen by the same crime. They ask the police to cover their case fastly. Not long the crime was caught by the police. The crime was caught because he want to stole somebodies wallet. Lisa and Cindy was glad because they found their wallet. They say thank you because the police help them.
Ela and Celine
Tourcher Cage and Death Cage
The tourcher cage is very cruel and bloody it was for an prisoner who try to escape there are laser drill for head and a pendelum . one day It was very cruel day for John and Mike they were running away from the prison they went to the forest to run away but the police caught them .
the police put then in the torcher cage the try to escape by trying to play dead it and the police is angry because he trick the police so the police bring them to the death cage they and the judge telphone the jail and said they are innoucent they were so happy but before he put the phone back the police put the phone wrong he put it in the on mode so John and Mike are dead. The end
Advice Letters - Blue 10
I have a problem, if you know what I mean
You see, the more I age, I mean when I get older and older, I am more scared of the dark,
You know, Achluophobia, OH yeah I am also Gerascophobia, means more scared when the age increased, means getting older. What should I do then?
PLEASE HELP ME! I am begging you
From : Tino
Blue 10
This is my advice for you:
Dear Tino, you musn’t worry about your disease, but if you are worry about it, you have to persuade the fear in your feeling. Then, ask someone to company you in the darkness that you’re fear of. But if you are still worry, you have to kill yourself. Thanks Tino for your problems and we hope that your disease can successfully be cured.
From your beloved doctor,
Kevin and Jefferson
Dear doctor,I am having a little problem. My friend always chases after me and then, he tickles me. Everyday, he always surprises me at school. So doctor, what should I do now to give that boy a lesson?
Dear Patient,
You should come earlier and ruin his desk. You may burn it if you want. And before he come to class, you had better water him with a watering can and pretend him like a plant. I hope this advice works.
The Doctor
Dear Doctor,
I have a servant who is very talkative, crazy and bossy, she always talks to nobody and she always tells me to do her tasks.
What should I do? Fire her!
Dear Doctor,
We have a problem. It’s really-really horrible and terrible. Our friend always tells us to do his works and if we don’t want to do it, he will tell our teacher that we told him to do our homework. We have done that once, he told our teacher and the teacher believes him because he always gets good marks.
What should we do? Tell the teacher s that he always tells you something like that! Sam and Diky
Dear Doctor,
I have a problem. I wanted to have a dog, but my mom doesn’t let me buy it because it’s dirty and it will be hard for her to find a servant. So, she never let me buy one. From Sheena.
Dear Doctor,
I have a problem. My dog was very naughty and bossy. It keep annoy me. It barks to me when it wants something. So, my dad wanted to sell it, but I don’t want to, because I like it a lot. From Devina.
Dear Sheena,
You need to promise to your mom that you’ll take care of your dog. And you also have to make consequence to your mom and yourself.
That’s all my advice. Please pay me $100,000,000. Thanks.
Dear Devina,
So, you had better give an advice to your dog to not be very naughty and bossy.
That’s all my advice. It was very difficult, so it cost $300,000,000. Thank you. Doctor Koko
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Pre 4 @ 6:15 - Stories
Haunted museum
In a big museum, at 12.00 p.m, on Saturday, 23rd 1988, There were a security were killed someone, when he checked there. It was so scared. A lot of security were killed there, until now that news was hot. It was haunted museum/
There lived a men name “Jerry”. He has a best friend name “Tom”. They always be together. Some day, At 09.00 p.m, Jerry worked at the haunted museum to check in there. It was his first time to be Security. When he was going in there, there were something strange happened. He was so scared. All of his body was cold. When he go up to seconds floor, he heard something bark to his ears. All of the picture was moved. And then he went out from the museum quickly. He backed to the home.
Tomorrow morning, he called Tom to come to his house. He talked to him about somethings happened in the museum yesterday. Tom didn’t scared and he wanted to go to museum. At 10.00 p.m Tom and Jerry went to the haunted museum. All of them brought pistols and candles. When Tom went there, he felt scared. He walked with Jerry until the highest floor. It was sixth floor. Jerry could heard the barked clearly. They found some books that said if you could find 3 necklaces, you could opened the door that was locked. The necklace was pieces of heart.
After they solved it, the door opened, and Jerry heard a sound that said,” Come to me, help me !” and then there was a girl. She didn’t know her name and just said,” Get out from me!” And she became a demon. Tom and Jerry shot her, but It didn’t effect. Jerry took the book and said the spell to kill the Demon girl. When he said that, he took his leg, but he already said the spelled, so the demon girl Barked and died.
By Vincent and Hasan
Last holiday, Diandra, Allycia, Livia, and Fenny were given a task to observe the animals in the mountain. Livia and Fenny decided to observe mount Bromo, while Diandra and Allycia decided to observe mount Everest. Next day, Diandra and Allycia prepared their things and went to mount Everest as soon as possible.
On the second day, when they were hiking the mountain, suddenly there was a disaster. Very big disaster. They couldn’t see the road in front of them. They were panic. Suddenly, they found a cave and stayed there until the disaster ended. They made a fire with their matches. They tried to make a call to their family but there were no signal. Then they took a rest there for a night.
The next day, they tried to find their location using map and compass, but they couldn’t find it because they didn’t know where they were. But, from the compass, they knew that the way home was to South. Finally, they walked to the South through a small jungle. In the middle of the jungle, they saw 3 lions that were looking for food. They were very scared. First, they hid behind a tree. After the lions saw a deer, they ran to catch it. Diandra and Allycia felt very lucky. They continued their small journey to their home.
Finally, after walked all night to the South, they managed to find a big road. And they went home peacefully. After a week, the new school semester came. They completely forgot about their task. They knew that their teacher is really scary. When they were asked by their teacher to tell about their observation, they said “We saw a lion tried to catch a deer. The end”. And they got detention from their teacher.
By Febby and Nadia
Darren’s Death
Once upon a time, there was a rich family that lived in a very big mansion. They are Carrie, Xenia, Ian and Laura. They had a servant named Darren. He was really poor. One day, he fell in love with Carrie and so did Carrie. But Xenia, Ian and Laura didn’t want Carrie to be Darren’s wife. So, Carrie gave up. But, Darren didn’t. Then, Darren tried to kidnap Carrie. Then Ian found out that he wanted to kidnap Carrie.
Darren brought Carrie to Kelt and hid her in the storage room. He told her not to make some noise, so nobody knew that she was in the storage room. Xenia, Laura and Ian were worried about her. They tried to find Carrie, but they couldn’t find her, until Ian tired and took a break at Kelt.
Suddenly Ian heard Carrie’s phone ringing from the storage room. He tried to find where the sound came from, and he realized that it was came from the storage room. He pushed the door hardly, and the door was opened. Carrie cried and she told Ian about what Darren did. So Ian tried to find Darren. Luckily he found Darren in the café, and Ian took a knife from his bag and stabbed it to Darren. Then Darren died with blood all over his body, Ian laughed loudly “MUAHAHAHAHA!!”
A police came, they caught Ian and throw Darren’s body in the street because the graveyard was full.
By Livia and Fenny
Noor’s Revenge
Once upon a time, there lived a girl named, Noor. She had a boyfriend named Tama. They lived very happy in an ordinary house. One day, Noor saw Tama with another girl. The girl was Noor’s best friend, Febby. Noor was very angry and ran away from their house. Then she ran to the road and when she was at the crossroad, a truck crashed her. Then, she had a very bad injury.
Someone helped her and carried her to the nearest hospital. Then when they arrived in the hospital, the nurse called Tama. Tama was eating when the phone rang. Then he answered the phone. Tama was very worried, and then he left Febby and went to the hospital. At the hospital, he went to Noor’s room and explain that there’s nothing happen between he and Febby. But unfortunately, Noor was already dead. So, Tama was talking with a corpse.
2 days after Noor died, Tama married with Febby. Noor knew about it and very angry. She backs to the earth and haunted Tama and Febby. At first Tama and Febby didn’t scare. But, because Noor haunted them everyday, Febby became scared and she left Tama.
After Febby left, Tama knew that the one that haunted them was Noor, then he gave Noor seven kind of flowers and say sorry to Noor. But, Noor didn’t care about it. Noor wanted Tama and Febby to follow her death. So, Tama went to Febby’s house and killed her.
After Febby died, Noor was very very very happy, but she still wanted to kill Tama. So, she changed herself to a very beautiful woman, and then she went to Tama’s house and she flirting with Tama. Then Tama accept it, and then when she cooked for Tama, she pours a lot of poison to Tama’s food.
An hour after it, Tama was eating his food. Suddenly, his face become pale, then he was nearly dead. Then at that time Noor said that she was NOOR and at that time, Tama died.
Noor laugh and laugh, then she choked because at that time she was eating meatball and she died for the second time.
The end
by Diandra and Allycia
In the midnight Darren and Carrie drove a car to home,suddenly there was a girl in front of the car and they didn't see her so they crash the girl. When they heard the girl scream, they were going down from the car and looked near the girl. The Girl has already died.They were so shocked.Then Carrie said to Darren "lets burried her in the graveyard near here!!" .Darren said "don't want to go to the hell with you!!".Then Carrie said "Do you want to go to the jail right now?"."Of couse I don't want"Darren said. Then Carrie said "so lets do it now!!". When they came in the graveyard,they started to dig a hole but Darren fell off into the hole like there was someone pulled him. Carrie held Darren hand, so she fell into the hole too….
After they fell off, they looked at the gravestone, and ther was a sentence "R.I.P Darren & Carrie" They both screamed very loud………….
When they wanted to go out from the hole, they saw the girl who they crashed and the girl is smiling with many blood on her face. Then they screamed very loud then the girl killed them both…..
From that story, we have to be careful when we drive home.
by Vitta and Grace
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Pre 4 @ 5:00 - Stories
Hi, readers. You must have been reading about Cinderella’s story. You know Cinderella as a kind girl. BUT in THIS story Cinderella was an evil girl. She’s the master of her house. She loved to order her stepsisters to do a house jobs. And she also loved to order her stepmother to cleaned (actually licked) and kissed her foot if her horrible-stinky-dirty feet (Because her feet got licked by her step mom (or we rather said slave)).
One day, a letter of invitation came from the kingdom. It said that the prince wanted to married a woman (ugly or beautiful or crazy or stupid or etc.) in this country. Cinderella and her (step) sisters (plus her step mother) prepared their self to went to the castle. But Cinderella didn’t want her family to come because her family’s face was like the gigantropus-erectus’s face. Cinderella’s family got angry when they knew about Cinderella’s discrimination. They did a ritual to call a witch. A kind (or evil) fairy came. They told the fairy to killed Cinderella. BUT the fairy failed to killed her, Cinderella make the fairy turned into one of her slave(s). Cinderella ordered the fairy to made a limousine so she could came to the party with a gorgeous style.
When she arrived, she saw a beautiful person. Maybe that person was the most beautiful people that Cinderella’s had ever meet. Cinderella was jealous to that person, so she asked that person about that person’s name. And actually that person was the PRINCE (OMG). How could normal people knew if that person is the prince because the prince wore woman’s dress!!!!! Cinderella thought if the prince was a transvestite. She hated the prince. Then she made a plan to burned the castle. Then she successfully burnt it, but she was in the castle at that time. And she forgot how to got out. And she died. The prince who still alive and found her collapse, thought if her collapse is a monkey’s. Actually, the prince is a girl. Finally the prince live happily ever after in Cinderella’s house.
By Kristie, Lani and Michelli
The Mystery of 13-666 Apartment
In the north of England, there is a murdered in 13-666 apartment. In 13th floor, and in room 666,Mr Ben and his wife were watching TV when the murderer came and killed them. Then the murderer took a lot of money and things in that room. Someone saw and run to the receptionist to tell the receptionist. But,the murderer caught him and told him to not tell to the police and everyone. Then the murderer left the room and went home. At home he put half of the money in the one room that’s very dark and it’s haunted. Next day,when that room was empty,Mr Ken lived in that room with his family. At night,the murderer came again and shocked when he saw the man which lived in there was the man which saw him last night in that room. He afraid if he saw him again and he told the police, he’ll brought to the jail and he’ll be executed with electric shock-chair. He cancelled his action and went home. At home, he entered that room again and he’s shouted”please don’t killed me!!”. He’s very afraid if the ghost will haunted him. Than the ghost said:”you must murder the room 666 or you will die like a worm!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. Next day,the murderer went to the church. He listen to the priest if you trusted the ghost word,you will gone to hell if you died. And, after all of the people went out,he talk to the priest and he want to the ghost. The ghost very angry and want to burned him. Then the man said:”in the name of jesus,you go away from here”. Then the ghost disappeared and he became a good man.
By Alvin and Rion
There was a beautiful girl, who lived in a small town. She had a father called Mr. Adams. In that small town,
there was a handsome boy. He was a rich boy. He lived in the biggest house in that town. Many girls were
interested in him. someday, the beautiful girl met the boy in a park. She saw the boy sitting on a bench. And
then, she fell in love with him. after that day, the girl always finds out about him. Someday, the girl saw the
boy talked with her father, because the boy had talked to her father, she always talked about him. One day,
the girl asked him to marry her, but the boy also said that he wanted to propose her father. After that, the girl was shocked and went home, cried all night long.
You should know everything about your boyfriend/girlfriendbefore you ask him/her to marry you.
By Rhema and Vincent
Idiot Woman vs Smart Man
Last week , in Simpson university there was an idiot woman , her name is Sera. She always attacks her friends at university. One day , she met smart man, his name is Bionar. They were studying in the same class. Sera hated him because he’s smarter than Sera. Then, Sera attacked him when he was eating meatball. And then the meatball fall down before Bionar ate it. Bionar mad with Sera and then meatball wars happened. All people in canteen helped Bionar because Bionar is a kind people. When everybody was throwing all the meatballs, Sera opened her mouth and ate all the meatballs. Everybody in canteen laughed. So don’t be an idiot people. Remember it!!
By Shannon, Yolanda and Jessica
Missing Gold Miniature Statue
Yesterday at midnight the famous Miniature statue of Surabaya " The crocodile and The shark" was stolen. The statue was stealing when the fireworks happen, because it was surabaya anniversary. The three most famous detective help the police to find the robber. We interviewed one of the officer, " I saw a group of stranger come in and attacked me, but if they stole the miniature the alarm will rang but it didn't rang. I thought they shut down the alarm." If they shut down the alarm it will leave a fingerprint, but they wore gloves, but they make a simple mistakes they left a hair on the gloves. And we take the hair to the laboratorium to take a sample of that hair and we found a name it was Ian , alvin and vincent. Tommorow we drove our car to their hideout and we bring some major weapon, we bet them and arrested him to the police and execute them.
By Ari, Aaron and Tama
FCE 1A - Brain Type Tests
To know how they have male or female brain, we can do this test:
When you watch movie, do you feel detached in that film really well or you feel emotionally the movie well.
Do you like playing game that shows much violence rather than playing life-simulating game?
When you greet your friends, will you say his name by adding bro and sis or you just say good morning politely?
When you have a difficult problem, will you do it by yourself even it’s very hard or you ask someone to help you.
So if you answer it more yes it shows that you have more male brain. On the other hand, if you answer more no it shows that you have more female brain. If it’s the same then you have a balanced brain.
We are told by xenia to make a way to decide whether someone has male or female brain. After thinking for three minutes, we discover that if we take someone to a mall and told them to go somewhere where they never been before at the mall. If they search it by asking someone, it means that they have female brain and the otherwise.
Or we give them a lot of tasks and tell them to do it as fast as they can. If they can do more than one task at the same time, which means that they have female brain. And if they do one by one, that means they have male brain. And female ones are easier to get nervous than the male ones.
How to tell the brain sex type by the color they like. We will choose a boy and a girl and they will be told to choose 10 different colors that they like. Based on the color they choose we can see the brain sex type.
If they choose more soft colors than dark colors they have a female brain, if they choose more dark colors than soft colors they have a male brain so based on the test we could see that females are softer than males. their behavior is also effected by the colors that they choose. The soft colors represent a soft attitude and the dark colors represent a strong attitude.
Shinta and Albert
The experiment will be held in a shopping centre, then they are going to be given 200.000 rupiahs. After that we'll see what goods will be bought by them. If they are shopping in the supermarket they have the female brain. If they go to the household store they have male brain. We can also examine by how much money they are spending. If they spend less or exactly 200.000 rupiahs their brain is male. On the other hand, we can also say if with 200.000 rupiahs they could get more goods they are male even if it is not the best quality therefore the female is the opposite. If they are keeping the bills they have the female one.
Lily and Anto
Monday, 12 October 2009
Blue 10 - Introductions
I'm 10 years old
I'm Indonesian
I have 1 sister
My sister's name is Leti
She is 9 years old
I'm in the Margie Elementary School at 6th grade
My hobby is reading comics and riding a bike
I have swimming, mathematics, and computer lessons
I want to be a street racerI went to Batu last holiday.
My name is Samuel.
I’m 11 years old.
I’m Indonesian.
I have two sisters. They’re Michelle and Maybelle. Michelle is 18 years old and Maybelle is 8 years old.
I go to Petra 5 Elementary School. I’m in the 6th grade.
I enjoy singing lesson.
I don’t like P.E. lesson.
My hobbies are reading books and singing also.
I take English lesson, Piano lesson, Private lesson, and Mandarin lesson.
I want to be an artist.
I went to Jakarta and Sydney last holiday. It was quite fun.
My name is Edwin.
I’m 11 years old.
I’m Indonesian.
I have 2 brothers but no sisters. They’re Edward and Erwin. Edward is 14 years old and Erwin is 11 years old.
I go to SDKr. Masa Depan Cerah.
I enjoy P.E., Maths, Science, and Religion.
I don’t like Character.
My Hobbies are collecting Gundam, and playing computer games.
I take English Lesson, and Private Lesson.
I want to be a Chef.
I went to Batu and Makassar last holiday. It was quite fun.
My name is Michael.I’m 11 years old.I am Indonesian.I have 2 sisters.I don’t have any brothers.
My first sister’s name is Sherly,she is 18 years old.My second sister’s name is Michelle,she is 16 years old.I study in Vita school.I’m in 6th grade.I enjoy computer lesson at school.I dislike Social Studies lesson at school.My hobbies are watching TV and playing computer games.I take English and Chinese lesson.
I want to be a businessman.I went to Semarang last holiday.
My name is Diky
I am 12 years old.
I am Indonesian.
I don’t have any brothers. I only have 2 sisters.
My first sister’s name is Erna, She is 16 years old.
My second sister’s name is Siska. She is 11 years old.
I study at Petra 5 elementary school, now I’m in the 6th grade.
I like math and computer lesson at school, but I don’t like social studies at school.
My hobbies are playing basketball and reading comics.
I take English, math, and Chinese lessons.
I want to be a doctorLast holiday I went to Bali. It was so fun.
My name is Kezia. I’m 11 years old. I’m Indonesian. I don’t have any brother and sister. I go to Petra 1 Elementary School, and I sit in the 6th grade. I enjoy science lesson at school and I hate Mandarin.My hobbies are reading and drawing. My favorite comic is Detective Conan. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I goes to Kelt to study English. I also goes to Global Art to have some drawing lessons every Thursday. Someday, I want to be a doctor. Last holiday, I went to Batu with all of my family. We went to Batu Night Spectacular, Sempu Island and Kawi Mountain. I’m really enjoyed it.
My name is Devina. I’m will be 12 years old. I’m Indonesian. My brother’s name is Jason, he’s 9 years old, and my sister’s name is Celina, she’s 7 years old. I go to Petra 5 Elementary School, and I sit in the 6th grade. I enjoy math lesson at school and I hate Civic. My hobbies are playing computer games and reading. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I goes to Kelt to learn English. I also goes to SSO to have some Piano and Violin lessons every Monday and Tuesday. Someday, I want to be a doctor. Last holiday, I went to Bali with my dad’s friend and my friends. I went to Kuta Beach and I stayed at Nusa Dua Hotel. I’m really enjoyed it.
My name is Erwin. I’m 11 years old. I’m Indonesian. I’ve 2 brothers and no sister. My twin’s name is Edwin, he is 11 years old. My big brother’s name is Edward, he is 14 years old. I’m study at MDC(masa depan cerah) I’m in 6A. I love to play with my friend if I’m in school. in school I hate studying. I love to play video games and I love to read comics. I only take English class .I want to be a businessman because it is interesting. Last holiday I went to trans studio and it was a lot of funs at Ujung Pandang.
My name is Daniel. I’m 11 years old. I’m Indonesian. I’ve 2 brothers and no sister. My brother’s name is Wiharjo, he is 16 years old. My other brother’s name is Wilson, he is 7 years old. I’m study at SDK Yohanes Gabriel. I’m in 6A. I love to play with my friend if I’m in school. In school, I hate studying Javanese. I love to play video games and I like to play keyboards. I take English, Mandarin and Mathematics class .I want to be a businessman because it is interesting. Last holiday I went to China and it was interesting.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Stories With Relative Clauses - by PI1
It was midnight, which was really dark, and I decided to go home, which was far far away. I was kind of sleepy at the time because I had been drinking, and my sight was blurry as hell. In the middle of the way, which was bumpy, windy, and dangerous, I saw something that was really freaking white pass in front of my car and next thing I knew, my car suddenly hit something that was gooey, sticky, and gross. I got out of the car and looked outside, but there's nothing there that was obvious, because it was dark out there. I hurried back in my old, rusty car and drove far far away. Next morning, I found traces of blood, which was dark red, gooey, sticky, and obviously gross in front of my old rusty car. It was terrible.
Originally by Dhana and Felicia
Edited by Bintoro and Kevin
Last holiday ,which was 2 months ago, Ami and Sherlee who were best friends went to the Antarctic. They went there by flying strange bus that was, well , strange and it took approximately 6 hours to get there. It was really boring. They got the ticket to Antarctic from someone who was suspicious and strange. He gave them the tickets that were new and fresh, according to him, not an old and crumpled tickets as one would expected from a man of his state, because the man had felt that one day Ami and Sherlee would become Antarctic’s superheroes and millionaires as was told by the ancient prophecies. They arrived there after three plane malfunctions, two emergency situations, four tantrums, five accidents, one mad Ami, one scared Sherlee and a long flight and started their research as told by the man to save the world to become millionaires.
Originally by Vanya and Sherly
Edited by Felicia and Dhana
Yesterday I got up in the middle of the night, which was very dark and quiet. I felt very hot, which was not strange because it was summer season, so I turned on the air conditioner, which had just been repaired that afternoon. After that, I picked a glass of cold water then went to my room upstairs very slowly because I was so tired, went to bed and continued sleeping. It felt so great and comfortable. Suddenly I woke up in another place where nobody was around, The place was very dark and there was strange noises. It was so scary and I didn’t know how could have happened and where I was, so I cried loudly. I heard someone came closer, and closer. Then I saw a tall dark figure, which was extremely terrifying. What a horrible dream!
Originally by Sovia and Shanti
Edited by Ivan and Anthonny
One day, a babysitter who was beautiful, hot, and sexy like a top model was taking care of a baby who is very annoying and irritating. She left the baby to go out to buy some baby food which contained cabbage, green pepper and celery that she bought near her boyfriend’s house. When she got home, she couldn’t find the baby where it should be. She went to the police station that was full of handsome, six-packed, bold men and told them what had happened. The police looked everywhere in the police station’s room. But they couldn’t find the baby. She was so panicked that she peed in the police station’s floor. When she was going to bed which was in her house that was the baby’s bed, she found out that the baby who was under the bed beside her furry cat.
Originally by Ivan and Anthonny
Edited by Sherly and Vanya
Once upon a time, there was a boy who called Samuel whose father worked as a businessman and his mother as a housewife. He always had a sickle which always with him all the time to mutilate people, especially bullies who is annoyed him. He also swore a lot at every person he saw, including his family who really loved him. One day, in the very beautiful day, in the beautiful moment, when the sky was blue, the birds sang with the beautiful voice, he met a fairy godmother who was very kind and had a magic to turned him into a good boy. ~You think that this story ends with a happy ending, right? HELL NO! At last, on that beautiful day when the bird stopped singing, he killed the fairy godmother before she could even say anything.
Originally by Kevin and Bintoro
Edited by Felicia and Dhana
Friday, 1 May 2009
Blue 10 - Advice Letters
Dear Annie Advice,
Hello. My name is Omama. I am study at SD. Petra 1 Elementary School. I am in grade 6. I have a problem with love. I fell in love with a girl but the girl doesn’t seem like me, but I don’t want to tell my family because I am too shy. I don’t know what should I do. Can you give me some advice that I mustn’t do and what should I do that can make the girl like me? Thank you.
Dear Omama,
Omama you should tell her the truth but if you’re too shy. You could just use the telephone or e-mail .
But you mustn’t tell her the truth until you check if she is already in love with someone else. Omama your trouble is too serious. It cooooouuuuuuuuuuulllllllld break a heart. If she doesn’t love somebody you could say the truth. Ha hahahahaha. I think she isn’t your girl at all.
From, Annie Advice
Dear Annie Advice,
Hey my name is George. Now I’m studying in IPH Elementary. I’m in 6th grade. My birthday is on March 29th 1997. My hobbies are break dancing and street dancing. My favorite food is vegetables, sushi, and fried rice. I have a problem. My problem is I want a dog but my mom doesn’t let me buy a dog because my family don’t like a dog or others animals except ME. Can you give me an advice so my mom will let me buy a dog, please?
From, George.
Dear George,
Did you already tell her that dog is cute and can guard it master? I think you should talk with your mom again I think she will like dog if you tell him the good thing of dog or else you can take your family to agree with you. From, Anne Advice
Dear annie advice,
My name is James. I am a 6 grader and I am 12 years old. My school is in VITA . I have a problem it is a very hard one but I’m sure you could solve it. So please handle it ok. My problem is I always wanted to play my PSP but my mom only allows me to play PSP on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But I couldn’t stop thinking to play PSP. So could you tell me how to make me self controlled. Please give your advice, please?
From James
Dear James ,
This is Annie Advice .I'm writing this letter to help you to solve the problem.First pay me 100$ OK.if you want to play PSP Whenever you want On What day you want you should work harder and got the best score and then say to your mum to make a deal if you are the best you could play PSP whenever you want and
Don't forget to pay me .THANK YOU.
Dear Annie Advice,
My name is Obama .I'm 12 years old .I go to Elementary school at Petra 1 I'm in the 6 grade. I have a problem I want to have a dog but my parents didn't let me because they said it's smelly and always pee/poo anywhere.I needed your advice so I can convince my parents to have a dog. From Obama
Dear Obama,
I can give you some advice. If your parents don’t let you have a dog because it’s smelly, you must wash your dog everyday twice a week. Than you can teach your dog to pee/poo in the right place like in the toilet or the river, then your dog will smell good and don’t poo/pee anywhere. So your parents will let you have a dog. Why you cannot think yourself? You are stupid and foolish Obama.
Annie Advice
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Fikar's Birthday Party!
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Pre 4 Stories
The Search for the Ultimate Weapon
A long time ago, there were 2 clans, named Zero clan and Wylfred clan. The both clans were rivals. They were always equal at everything. At fighting and studies. Because they heard about the Ultimate Weapon, their clan’s leader, Zero and Wyl searched it. Zero was a swordsman and Wyl was a mage.
They searched and searched and searched around the world for about 2 years and at last the found it in a shrine in China deep inside a dark cave that was full of monsters…… The shrine has many booby traps, so people can’t just walk in and take the Ultimate Weapon. At the deepest part, of the shrine, Zero and Wyl met each other and fought to the death. Wyl used magic to attack for a distance and Zero was at a disadvantage. But Zero can deflect the magic back and at last Wyl was dying and Zero finished him off with a stabbing attack to Wyl’s heart and Wyl died. And Zero took the Ultimate Weapon, but before taking it back to his clan, a very strong monster appeared. He fought and nearly lost, but suddenly Zero knew the very strong monster’s weakness is on the crystal on its tail. He struck it and won. Then he brought the Ultimate Weapon back to his clan and almost defeated Wyl’s clan. Zero told that Wyl was dead and the 2 clans united to become a great country.
The End
by Joscelind, Nathalia and Eugenia
“Stefanie, hurry up! Mom and Dad already wait us!” Stefano shouted to his twin sister. That day, Anggono family was moving to a small town, Giarucci. Actually, Stefanie didn’t want to leave her old house, especially her best friend in this town. So, she felt sad when her parents said they will move to Giarucci.
“Mom, Dad, can I go to Emily house now? Before we move to that little ugly town?” Stefanie begged to her parents.
“NOW??? Are you kidding? We must moving now, Stefanie! As quick as we can!”
“But, Dad…”
“No more comment Stefanie. We didn’t have much time,”
On the way to Giarucci, Stefanie cried. Stefano laughed loudly,
“Come on, Stef… We just moving to other town. Can you stop crying now?”
“It’s not your business and don’t tell me to stop crying or you will got my punch,”
Two hours later, they arrived to their new house in Giarucci. The house is quite big, with a small pool inside, and it’s bigger than their old house,
“Check it out, Stef! This house is perfect! We can swim everytime we want! Yuhu..”
“Stop it, Stefano. I still like our old house than this house.”
“What ever!” The next day, her mom and dad take them to Giarucci High School
Yesterday, jenifer went to her great grandmother. Her mother told her to sent some meatball to her great grandmother.Her great grandmother name is Nia. Then she went to her grandmother house with her monkey,Irvan. Her grand mother’s house is in the middle of the West Papua Forest. When she was walking to her grandmother house, Tuxan the bad Wolf saw her and wanted to grill her with some onions and chicken sauce.Then in the middle of jenifer adventure to her grand mother she saw some bushes . She knew her grandmother loves bushes for her wig. So she picked up some bush and put them in her backpack. Then she Looked her map. Then when she looked at her map , Tuxan the bad wolf tried to caught her. Tuxan success to catched jenifer. Then tuxan prepared his griller,and cut some onions. When tuxan was going out for having a bath, Jennifer cried for some help. Then a fairy came to help dora. The fairy said “ Can I help you?”After that Jenifer said “ Yes,please. Can you help me to get out from here?” The fairy said “Sure. That’s an easy job for me”. Then jenifer said “Quickly get me out from here! Shut u’r mouth and get me out from here” The fairy said “Ok, calm down” Then jenifer ran out from Tuxan’s house and went to her grandmother’s house safely without problem. Then she went home and saw Dora the Explorer”
Once upon a time, in a school called Beverly Hills junior high school. There was a beautiful girl named Painem. There were many boys liked her. The boys that liked her most were Kevin, Bedjo, and her secret admire. The problem was there was a love triangle between them.
One day, Painem was shock because she found a love letter under her table, from her secret admire. She was very happy and proud of her self. But, she thought that, that thing were usual. Because, she was the princess at her school. Even sometimes, there were many boys that tried to take her heart by giving a bucket of flowers, Chocolate, or even jewelry. But, her heart was only for her prince charming forever.
In one day, she could reject five until ten boys that wanted to become her boyfriend. But, she always rejects them with nice words. So, they would not broken heart and be depressed. But, sometimes, she was sad because when she reject the boys, their relationship became strange. For example, before her relationship with Gatot, before that thing, they were best friend. But after that, they became enemy. Gatot was depressed he felt that he was so handsome, nobody can beat him.
Three days after Painem rejected Gatot, Gatot phoned Painem and told her that he wanted to end his life if she didn’t want to accept him. But, Painem didn’t believe Gatot. Because, they were best friends since they were child. So, Painem said, “Gatot, I think I’m not the right girl for you. You’ll find a girl that better than me. Believe me!”. But, Gatot said, “Okay, I’ll try to forget you and find the right girl for me.”
On Monday, In Painem’s school, Kevin and Bedjo fought to get Painem’s heart. When Painem arrived, she was angry to them. Then, Painem shouted that she loved Paijo and wanted Paijo to become her boyfriend. Paijo heard it and he was very happy. He didn’t believe it. Then, Kevin shouted, ”Paijo, was a lucky man because he got Painem, my beloved princess. Paijo was just an ugly duckling, but, looked at me, I’m a prince charming that had the same level with Painem!” Painem said, “You were wrong, love never looked from our physics, but, from our heart and habits.” So, Paijo said, “LOVE IS BLIND!”
by Jenni and Nathania
One day at Kelt, there was a new teacher called Xeniaman. Her fashion was very horrible. She always wore big size t-shirt, ¾ shorts, big earings, thick lipstick and face powder, pink stocking, sandals, and baseball hat. She was a trouble maker in a fashion world. Nobody likes her fashion. Every students scared with her.
At Kelt Party, she was wearing flower pattern dress, with green stocking, and gladiator sandals. Jenia, a fashionable student and, of course, dilligent student at Kelt, shocked and screamed. Because Jenia never saw a horrible fashion like that. Xeniaman heard Jenia's screamed, she was very angry. Everybody were laughing at her. She cried and went home as soon as possible.
At home, she cried all night. in the morning, she was thingking to be a fashionable teacher. She tried to wear pink tank-top, black hot-pants, 10cm high heels, round big earing, full of make up, and she ready to go to Kelt. In the evening, she came to Kelt building. Everybody were looking at her. They shocked and they opened their mouth. Mr. Peter, the Kelt headmaster, agry to Xeniaman. Mr. Peter told to her to change her clothes. When everybody were laughing at her, she ran to home to change her idiot clothes. When she came back to Kelt she met Jenia, the superhero of fashion. She interested about Jenia's fashion. She was asking Jenia to help her. Jenia accepted her offer. Jenia changed her horrible fashion. First, Jenia cut her hair.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Apel Super Computer
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
The Best Camera Ad Ever
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
What is it? - Blue 7 - February 4th 2009

B) It has many shapes. It’s made of leather & cotton, and it can be any color. It used for relaxing or watching TV in the Living Room

C) It’s cylindrical & square. It’s made of metal, and it can be any color. It used for washing our hands.
D) It’s made of feathers & cotton, its have many different colors. It can be any shape. It’s used for sleeping.

By Sheena
E) ……………………………… room
It is made of cotton
It is colorful

It is rough
It has many shapes
It is bigger than a chair
It is used for sitting
F) ………………………………
It is made of metal

It is black
It is hard
It has many shapes
It is smaller than a kettle
It is used for cooking
G) ………………………………..bath room
It is made of metal
It has many colours
It is shiny

It has many shapes
It is bigger than a soap
It is used for taking a shower
H) ………………………………..bedroom
It is made of wood
It is brown
It is hard
It is rectangular

It is smaller than a bed
It is used for studying.

J) It’s rectangular and small. It’s smooth and gray. It’s made of paper. It’s used for telling the information. Y

K) It’s square and medium. It’s hard and white. It’s made of ceramic. It’s used for washing your hand. You can find it in your bathroom.

L) It’s rectangular and big. It’s hard and gray. It’s made of metal. It’s used for keeping foods. You can find it in your kitchen.

It`s made of metal.
It`s silver.

It`s heavy.
It`s big .
It`s used for cooking .
N) It`s rectangular.
It`s made of plastic & glass.
It`s black.
It`s heavy.

It`s big
It`s flat.
It`s used for watching films
O) It`s round.
It`s made of plastic and glass

It`s colourless
It`s not really heavy
It`s small
It`s flat.
It`s used for looking to our face
P) It`s rectangular
It`s made of wood
It`s brown

It`s heavy
It`s used for keeping clothes
By Michael and Sabrina
Q) It' s made of metal. It’s used for cooking. It’s big and square. It’s silver. It’s flat and smooth. If you turn it on, it will be hot. It’s in the kitchen. What is it?

R) It’s made of feather or cotton. It’s used for sitting and napping. It’s rectangular. It has two arms. It has many colours. It’s big. It’s comfortable. It’s in the living room. What is it?

S) It’s made of plastic. It’s used for taking a bath. It’s rectangular and big. It’s has many colours, but mostly it’s white. It has a shower. It’s in the bathroom. What is it?

T) It’s big. It’s made of feather or cotton. It’s rectangular. It’s used for sleeping. It has many colours. It’s soft and smooth. It’s very comfortable. It’s in the bedroom. What is it?

By Edwin, Lina and Samuel