Friday 1 May 2009

Blue 10 - Advice Letters

Blue 10 had some problems and Annie Advice (other students) helped them out. Read and maybe you can get some help too!

Dear Annie Advice,

Hello. My name is Omama. I am study at SD. Petra 1 Elementary School. I am in grade 6. I have a problem with love. I fell in love with a girl but the girl doesn’t seem like me, but I don’t want to tell my family because I am too shy. I don’t know what should I do. Can you give me some advice that I mustn’t do and what should I do that can make the girl like me? Thank you.


Dear Omama,

Omama you should tell her the truth but if you’re too shy. You could just use the telephone or e-mail .
But you mustn’t tell her the truth until you check if she is already in love with someone else. Omama your trouble is too serious. It cooooouuuuuuuuuuulllllllld break a heart. If she doesn’t love somebody you could say the truth. Ha hahahahaha. I think she isn’t your girl at all.

From, Annie Advice

Dear Annie Advice,
Hey my name is George. Now I’m studying in IPH Elementary. I’m in 6th grade. My birthday is on March 29th 1997. My hobbies are break dancing and street dancing. My favorite food is vegetables, sushi, and fried rice. I have a problem. My problem is I want a dog but my mom doesn’t let me buy a dog because my family don’t like a dog or others animals except ME. Can you give me an advice so my mom will let me buy a dog, please?
From, George.

Dear George,
Did you already tell her that dog is cute and can guard it master? I think you should talk with your mom again I think she will like dog if you tell him the good thing of dog or else you can take your family to agree with you. From, Anne Advice

Dear annie advice,
My name is James. I am a 6 grader and I am 12 years old. My school is in VITA . I have a problem it is a very hard one but I’m sure you could solve it. So please handle it ok. My problem is I always wanted to play my PSP but my mom only allows me to play PSP on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But I couldn’t stop thinking to play PSP. So could you tell me how to make me self controlled. Please give your advice, please?
From James

Dear James ,
This is Annie Advice .I'm writing this letter to help you to solve the problem.First pay me 100$ OK.if you want to play PSP Whenever you want On What day you want you should work harder and got the best score and then say to your mum to make a deal if you are the best you could play PSP whenever you want and
Don't forget to pay me .THANK YOU.

Dear Annie Advice,

My name is Obama .I'm 12 years old .I go to Elementary school at Petra 1 I'm in the 6 grade. I have a problem I want to have a dog but my parents didn't let me because they said it's smelly and always pee/poo anywhere.I needed your advice so I can convince my parents to have a dog. From Obama

Dear Obama,

I can give you some advice. If your parents don’t let you have a dog because it’s smelly, you must wash your dog everyday twice a week. Than you can teach your dog to pee/poo in the right place like in the toilet or the river, then your dog will smell good and don’t poo/pee anywhere. So your parents will let you have a dog. Why you cannot think yourself? You are stupid and foolish Obama.

Annie Advice

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