Wednesday 21 October 2009

Pre 4 @ 6:15 - Stories

Check out some stories written by students in Pre 4.

Haunted museum
In a big museum, at 12.00 p.m, on Saturday, 23rd 1988, There were a security were killed someone, when he checked there. It was so scared. A lot of security were killed there, until now that news was hot. It was haunted museum/
There lived a men name “Jerry”. He has a best friend name “Tom”. They always be together. Some day, At 09.00 p.m, Jerry worked at the haunted museum to check in there. It was his first time to be Security. When he was going in there, there were something strange happened. He was so scared. All of his body was cold. When he go up to seconds floor, he heard something bark to his ears. All of the picture was moved. And then he went out from the museum quickly. He backed to the home.
Tomorrow morning, he called Tom to come to his house. He talked to him about somethings happened in the museum yesterday. Tom didn’t scared and he wanted to go to museum. At 10.00 p.m Tom and Jerry went to the haunted museum. All of them brought pistols and candles. When Tom went there, he felt scared. He walked with Jerry until the highest floor. It was sixth floor. Jerry could heard the barked clearly. They found some books that said if you could find 3 necklaces, you could opened the door that was locked. The necklace was pieces of heart.
After they solved it, the door opened, and Jerry heard a sound that said,” Come to me, help me !” and then there was a girl. She didn’t know her name and just said,” Get out from me!” And she became a demon. Tom and Jerry shot her, but It didn’t effect. Jerry took the book and said the spell to kill the Demon girl. When he said that, he took his leg, but he already said the spelled, so the demon girl Barked and died.
By Vincent and Hasan

Last holiday, Diandra, Allycia, Livia, and Fenny were given a task to observe the animals in the mountain. Livia and Fenny decided to observe mount Bromo, while Diandra and Allycia decided to observe mount Everest. Next day, Diandra and Allycia prepared their things and went to mount Everest as soon as possible.
On the second day, when they were hiking the mountain, suddenly there was a disaster. Very big disaster. They couldn’t see the road in front of them. They were panic. Suddenly, they found a cave and stayed there until the disaster ended. They made a fire with their matches. They tried to make a call to their family but there were no signal. Then they took a rest there for a night.
The next day, they tried to find their location using map and compass, but they couldn’t find it because they didn’t know where they were. But, from the compass, they knew that the way home was to South. Finally, they walked to the South through a small jungle. In the middle of the jungle, they saw 3 lions that were looking for food. They were very scared. First, they hid behind a tree. After the lions saw a deer, they ran to catch it. Diandra and Allycia felt very lucky. They continued their small journey to their home.
Finally, after walked all night to the South, they managed to find a big road. And they went home peacefully. After a week, the new school semester came. They completely forgot about their task. They knew that their teacher is really scary. When they were asked by their teacher to tell about their observation, they said “We saw a lion tried to catch a deer. The end”. And they got detention from their teacher.
By Febby and Nadia

Darren’s Death

Once upon a time, there was a rich family that lived in a very big mansion. They are Carrie, Xenia, Ian and Laura. They had a servant named Darren. He was really poor. One day, he fell in love with Carrie and so did Carrie. But Xenia, Ian and Laura didn’t want Carrie to be Darren’s wife. So, Carrie gave up. But, Darren didn’t. Then, Darren tried to kidnap Carrie. Then Ian found out that he wanted to kidnap Carrie.

Darren brought Carrie to Kelt and hid her in the storage room. He told her not to make some noise, so nobody knew that she was in the storage room. Xenia, Laura and Ian were worried about her. They tried to find Carrie, but they couldn’t find her, until Ian tired and took a break at Kelt.

Suddenly Ian heard Carrie’s phone ringing from the storage room. He tried to find where the sound came from, and he realized that it was came from the storage room. He pushed the door hardly, and the door was opened. Carrie cried and she told Ian about what Darren did. So Ian tried to find Darren. Luckily he found Darren in the cafĂ©, and Ian took a knife from his bag and stabbed it to Darren. Then Darren died with blood all over his body, Ian laughed loudly “MUAHAHAHAHA!!”

A police came, they caught Ian and throw Darren’s body in the street because the graveyard was full.
By Livia and Fenny

Noor’s Revenge

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named, Noor. She had a boyfriend named Tama. They lived very happy in an ordinary house. One day, Noor saw Tama with another girl. The girl was Noor’s best friend, Febby. Noor was very angry and ran away from their house. Then she ran to the road and when she was at the crossroad, a truck crashed her. Then, she had a very bad injury.
Someone helped her and carried her to the nearest hospital. Then when they arrived in the hospital, the nurse called Tama. Tama was eating when the phone rang. Then he answered the phone. Tama was very worried, and then he left Febby and went to the hospital. At the hospital, he went to Noor’s room and explain that there’s nothing happen between he and Febby. But unfortunately, Noor was already dead. So, Tama was talking with a corpse.
2 days after Noor died, Tama married with Febby. Noor knew about it and very angry. She backs to the earth and haunted Tama and Febby. At first Tama and Febby didn’t scare. But, because Noor haunted them everyday, Febby became scared and she left Tama.
After Febby left, Tama knew that the one that haunted them was Noor, then he gave Noor seven kind of flowers and say sorry to Noor. But, Noor didn’t care about it. Noor wanted Tama and Febby to follow her death. So, Tama went to Febby’s house and killed her.
After Febby died, Noor was very very very happy, but she still wanted to kill Tama. So, she changed herself to a very beautiful woman, and then she went to Tama’s house and she flirting with Tama. Then Tama accept it, and then when she cooked for Tama, she pours a lot of poison to Tama’s food.
An hour after it, Tama was eating his food. Suddenly, his face become pale, then he was nearly dead. Then at that time Noor said that she was NOOR and at that time, Tama died.
Noor laugh and laugh, then she choked because at that time she was eating meatball and she died for the second time.

The end

by Diandra and Allycia


In the midnight Darren and Carrie drove a car to home,suddenly there was a girl in front of the car and they didn't see her so they crash the girl. When they heard the girl scream, they were going down from the car and looked near the girl. The Girl has already died.They were so shocked.Then Carrie said to Darren "lets burried her in the graveyard near here!!" .Darren said "don't want to go to the hell with you!!".Then Carrie said "Do you want to go to the jail right now?"."Of couse I don't want"Darren said. Then Carrie said "so lets do it now!!". When they came in the graveyard,they started to dig a hole but Darren fell off into the hole like there was someone pulled him. Carrie held Darren hand, so she fell into the hole too….
After they fell off, they looked at the gravestone, and ther was a sentence "R.I.P Darren & Carrie" They both screamed very loud………….
When they wanted to go out from the hole, they saw the girl who they crashed and the girl is smiling with many blood on her face. Then they screamed very loud then the girl killed them both…..
From that story, we have to be careful when we drive home.

by Vitta and Grace

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Pre 4 @ 5:00 - Stories

Cinderella -!000%.

Hi, readers. You must have been reading about Cinderella’s story. You know Cinderella as a kind girl. BUT in THIS story Cinderella was an evil girl. She’s the master of her house. She loved to order her stepsisters to do a house jobs. And she also loved to order her stepmother to cleaned (actually licked) and kissed her foot if her horrible-stinky-dirty feet (Because her feet got licked by her step mom (or we rather said slave)).
One day, a letter of invitation came from the kingdom. It said that the prince wanted to married a woman (ugly or beautiful or crazy or stupid or etc.) in this country. Cinderella and her (step) sisters (plus her step mother) prepared their self to went to the castle. But Cinderella didn’t want her family to come because her family’s face was like the gigantropus-erectus’s face. Cinderella’s family got angry when they knew about Cinderella’s discrimination. They did a ritual to call a witch. A kind (or evil) fairy came. They told the fairy to killed Cinderella. BUT the fairy failed to killed her, Cinderella make the fairy turned into one of her slave(s). Cinderella ordered the fairy to made a limousine so she could came to the party with a gorgeous style.
When she arrived, she saw a beautiful person. Maybe that person was the most beautiful people that Cinderella’s had ever meet. Cinderella was jealous to that person, so she asked that person about that person’s name. And actually that person was the PRINCE (OMG). How could normal people knew if that person is the prince because the prince wore woman’s dress!!!!! Cinderella thought if the prince was a transvestite. She hated the prince. Then she made a plan to burned the castle. Then she successfully burnt it, but she was in the castle at that time. And she forgot how to got out. And she died. The prince who still alive and found her collapse, thought if her collapse is a monkey’s. Actually, the prince is a girl. Finally the prince live happily ever after in Cinderella’s house.
By Kristie, Lani and Michelli

The Mystery of 13-666 Apartment

In the north of England, there is a murdered in 13-666 apartment. In 13th floor, and in room 666,Mr Ben and his wife were watching TV when the murderer came and killed them. Then the murderer took a lot of money and things in that room. Someone saw and run to the receptionist to tell the receptionist. But,the murderer caught him and told him to not tell to the police and everyone. Then the murderer left the room and went home. At home he put half of the money in the one room that’s very dark and it’s haunted. Next day,when that room was empty,Mr Ken lived in that room with his family. At night,the murderer came again and shocked when he saw the man which lived in there was the man which saw him last night in that room. He afraid if he saw him again and he told the police, he’ll brought to the jail and he’ll be executed with electric shock-chair. He cancelled his action and went home. At home, he entered that room again and he’s shouted”please don’t killed me!!”. He’s very afraid if the ghost will haunted him. Than the ghost said:”you must murder the room 666 or you will die like a worm!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. Next day,the murderer went to the church. He listen to the priest if you trusted the ghost word,you will gone to hell if you died. And, after all of the people went out,he talk to the priest and he want to the ghost. The ghost very angry and want to burned him. Then the man said:”in the name of jesus,you go away from here”. Then the ghost disappeared and he became a good man.
By Alvin and Rion

There was a beautiful girl, who lived in a small town. She had a father called Mr. Adams. In that small town,

there was a handsome boy. He was a rich boy. He lived in the biggest house in that town. Many girls were

interested in him. someday, the beautiful girl met the boy in a park. She saw the boy sitting on a bench. And

then, she fell in love with him. after that day, the girl always finds out about him. Someday, the girl saw the

boy talked with her father, because the boy had talked to her father, she always talked about him. One day,

the girl asked him to marry her, but the boy also said that he wanted to propose her father. After that, the girl was shocked and went home, cried all night long.


You should know everything about your boyfriend/girlfriendbefore you ask him/her to marry you.

By Rhema and Vincent

Idiot Woman vs Smart Man

Last week , in Simpson university there was an idiot woman , her name is Sera. She always attacks her friends at university. One day , she met smart man, his name is Bionar. They were studying in the same class. Sera hated him because he’s smarter than Sera. Then, Sera attacked him when he was eating meatball. And then the meatball fall down before Bionar ate it. Bionar mad with Sera and then meatball wars happened. All people in canteen helped Bionar because Bionar is a kind people. When everybody was throwing all the meatballs, Sera opened her mouth and ate all the meatballs. Everybody in canteen laughed. So don’t be an idiot people. Remember it!!

By Shannon, Yolanda and Jessica

Missing Gold Miniature Statue

Yesterday at midnight the famous Miniature statue of Surabaya " The crocodile and The shark" was stolen. The statue was stealing when the fireworks happen, because it was surabaya anniversary. The three most famous detective help the police to find the robber. We interviewed one of the officer, " I saw a group of stranger come in and attacked me, but if they stole the miniature the alarm will rang but it didn't rang. I thought they shut down the alarm." If they shut down the alarm it will leave a fingerprint, but they wore gloves, but they make a simple mistakes they left a hair on the gloves. And we take the hair to the laboratorium to take a sample of that hair and we found a name it was Ian , alvin and vincent. Tommorow we drove our car to their hideout and we bring some major weapon, we bet them and arrested him to the police and execute them.
By Ari, Aaron and Tama

FCE 1A - Brain Type Tests

FCE 1A created tests so you can find out whether you have a male or a female brain. Test yourself and see how you do. Remember just because you're a boy, doesn't mean you have a male brain or vice versa!

To know how they have male or female brain, we can do this test:

When you watch movie, do you feel detached in that film really well or you feel emotionally the movie well.
Do you like playing game that shows much violence rather than playing life-simulating game?
When you greet your friends, will you say his name by adding bro and sis or you just say good morning politely?
When you have a difficult problem, will you do it by yourself even it’s very hard or you ask someone to help you.

So if you answer it more yes it shows that you have more male brain. On the other hand, if you answer more no it shows that you have more female brain. If it’s the same then you have a balanced brain.


We are told by xenia to make a way to decide whether someone has male or female brain. After thinking for three minutes, we discover that if we take someone to a mall and told them to go somewhere where they never been before at the mall. If they search it by asking someone, it means that they have female brain and the otherwise.
Or we give them a lot of tasks and tell them to do it as fast as they can. If they can do more than one task at the same time, which means that they have female brain. And if they do one by one, that means they have male brain. And female ones are easier to get nervous than the male ones.


How to tell the brain sex type by the color they like. We will choose a boy and a girl and they will be told to choose 10 different colors that they like. Based on the color they choose we can see the brain sex type.
If they choose more soft colors than dark colors they have a female brain, if they choose more dark colors than soft colors they have a male brain so based on the test we could see that females are softer than males. their behavior is also effected by the colors that they choose. The soft colors represent a soft attitude and the dark colors represent a strong attitude.
Shinta and Albert

The experiment will be held in a shopping centre, then they are going to be given 200.000 rupiahs. After that we'll see what goods will be bought by them. If they are shopping in the supermarket they have the female brain. If they go to the household store they have male brain. We can also examine by how much money they are spending. If they spend less or exactly 200.000 rupiahs their brain is male. On the other hand, we can also say if with 200.000 rupiahs they could get more goods they are male even if it is not the best quality therefore the female is the opposite. If they are keeping the bills they have the female one.

Lily and Anto

Monday 12 October 2009

Blue 10 - Introductions

My name is Tino.
I'm 10 years old
I'm Indonesian
I have 1 sister
My sister's name is Leti
She is 9 years old
I'm in the Margie Elementary School at 6th grade
My hobby is reading comics and riding a bike
I have swimming, mathematics, and computer lessons
I want to be a street racerI went to Batu last holiday.

My name is Samuel.
I’m 11 years old.
I’m Indonesian.
I have two sisters. They’re Michelle and Maybelle. Michelle is 18 years old and Maybelle is 8 years old.
I go to Petra 5 Elementary School. I’m in the 6th grade.
I enjoy singing lesson.
I don’t like P.E. lesson.
My hobbies are reading books and singing also.
I take English lesson, Piano lesson, Private lesson, and Mandarin lesson.
I want to be an artist.
I went to Jakarta and Sydney last holiday. It was quite fun.

My name is Edwin.
I’m 11 years old.
I’m Indonesian.
I have 2 brothers but no sisters. They’re Edward and Erwin. Edward is 14 years old and Erwin is 11 years old.
I go to SDKr. Masa Depan Cerah.
I enjoy P.E., Maths, Science, and Religion.
I don’t like Character.
My Hobbies are collecting Gundam, and playing computer games.
I take English Lesson, and Private Lesson.
I want to be a Chef.
I went to Batu and Makassar last holiday. It was quite fun.

My name is Michael.I’m 11 years old.I am Indonesian.I have 2 sisters.I don’t have any brothers.
My first sister’s name is Sherly,she is 18 years old.My second sister’s name is Michelle,she is 16 years old.I study in Vita school.I’m in 6th grade.I enjoy computer lesson at school.I dislike Social Studies lesson at school.My hobbies are watching TV and playing computer games.I take English and Chinese lesson.
I want to be a businessman.I went to Semarang last holiday.

My name is Diky
I am 12 years old.
I am Indonesian.
I don’t have any brothers. I only have 2 sisters.
My first sister’s name is Erna, She is 16 years old.
My second sister’s name is Siska. She is 11 years old.
I study at Petra 5 elementary school, now I’m in the 6th grade.
I like math and computer lesson at school, but I don’t like social studies at school.
My hobbies are playing basketball and reading comics.
I take English, math, and Chinese lessons.
I want to be a doctorLast holiday I went to Bali. It was so fun.

My name is Kezia. I’m 11 years old. I’m Indonesian. I don’t have any brother and sister. I go to Petra 1 Elementary School, and I sit in the 6th grade. I enjoy science lesson at school and I hate Mandarin.My hobbies are reading and drawing. My favorite comic is Detective Conan. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I goes to Kelt to study English. I also goes to Global Art to have some drawing lessons every Thursday. Someday, I want to be a doctor. Last holiday, I went to Batu with all of my family. We went to Batu Night Spectacular, Sempu Island and Kawi Mountain. I’m really enjoyed it.

My name is Devina. I’m will be 12 years old. I’m Indonesian. My brother’s name is Jason, he’s 9 years old, and my sister’s name is Celina, she’s 7 years old. I go to Petra 5 Elementary School, and I sit in the 6th grade. I enjoy math lesson at school and I hate Civic. My hobbies are playing computer games and reading. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I goes to Kelt to learn English. I also goes to SSO to have some Piano and Violin lessons every Monday and Tuesday. Someday, I want to be a doctor. Last holiday, I went to Bali with my dad’s friend and my friends. I went to Kuta Beach and I stayed at Nusa Dua Hotel. I’m really enjoyed it.

My name is Erwin. I’m 11 years old. I’m Indonesian. I’ve 2 brothers and no sister. My twin’s name is Edwin, he is 11 years old. My big brother’s name is Edward, he is 14 years old. I’m study at MDC(masa depan cerah) I’m in 6A. I love to play with my friend if I’m in school. in school I hate studying. I love to play video games and I love to read comics. I only take English class .I want to be a businessman because it is interesting. Last holiday I went to trans studio and it was a lot of funs at Ujung Pandang.

My name is Daniel. I’m 11 years old. I’m Indonesian. I’ve 2 brothers and no sister. My brother’s name is Wiharjo, he is 16 years old. My other brother’s name is Wilson, he is 7 years old. I’m study at SDK Yohanes Gabriel. I’m in 6A. I love to play with my friend if I’m in school. In school, I hate studying Javanese. I love to play video games and I like to play keyboards. I take English, Mandarin and Mathematics class .I want to be a businessman because it is interesting. Last holiday I went to China and it was interesting.